Hello World Notebook

Notebook Authors: Alexander Michels, Zimo Xiao

This is a short example notebook designed to demo the CyberGIS-Compute Python SDK UI with the Hello World notebook. Note that if you are viewing this on the website, you won’t be able to fully interact with the UI. You can use the notebook on CyberGISX or CJW. This notebook can be found here

from cybergis_compute_client import CyberGISCompute

cybergis = CyberGISCompute(url="cgjobsup.cigi.illinois.edu", suffix="v2")
📃 Found "cybergis_compute_user.json! NOTE: if you want to login as another user, please remove this file
🎯 Logged in as alexandermichels@cybergisx.cigi.illinois.edu
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