Alex Michels

Alex Michels is an ABD PhD candidate studying Spatial Informatics under Dr. Shaowen Wang at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). He is currently a research assistant at the CyberGIS Center for Advanced Digital and Spatial Studies and applying for positions with a Summer/Fall 2025 start date.

Alex is passionate about access & cyberGIS meaning: (1) using cyberGIS to analyze spatial patterns and systems of inaccessibility and inequity and (2) making cyberGIS tools and technology accessible to all. His work in analysis and modeling includes Spatial Agent-Based Models (SABMs) for public health and work advancing the methods of spatial accessibiliy with applications including the WhereCOVID-19 Spatial Accessibility Explorer for rapidly measuring spatial accessibility during the COVID-19 pandemic. His work on FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reproducible) computing in the geosciences includes contributions to CyberGISX, CyberGIS-Jupyter for Water (CJW), and CyberGIS-Compute.

If you’re interested in my work or collaborating, please feel free to reach out! If you want to chat over coffee, we can meet on campus at UIUC or I’m planning to attend these upcoming events in-person:


Aug 31, 2024 Looking forward to I-GUIDE Forum 2024! I’ll be presenting a first-author paper entitled “Data-Intensive Convergence Science for Analyzing Place-Based Spatial Accessibility” and a poster “Measuring Road Network Equity and Resilience for Evacuations and Natural Hazards”.
Jul 18, 2024 Our conference paper in PEARC ‘24 “Providing Accessible Software Environments Across Science Gateways and HPC” is out now!
Jun 13, 2024 I’ll be giving a talk at the SDOH & Place Symposium around 11:45am CDT on Saturday, June 15th. If you can’t make it in-person, the symposium will be live-streamed on YouTube:

Selected Publications

  1. Providing Accessible Software Environments Across Science Gateways and HPC
    Michels, Alexander, Kotak, Mit, Padmanabhan, Anand, Speaks, John, and Wang, Shaowen
    Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing 2024: Human Powered Computing, 2024
  2. CyberGIS-Compute: Middleware for democratizing scalable geocomputation
    SoftwareX, 2024
  3. SPASTC: A Spatial Partitioning Algorithm for Scalable Travel-time Computation
    Michels, Alexander, Park, Jinwoo, Kang, Jeon-Young, and Wang, Shaowen
    International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2024
  4. EasyScienceGateway: A new framework for providing reproducible user environments on science gateways
    Michels, Alexander, Padmanabhan, Anand, Li, Zhiyu, and Wang, Shaowen
    Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2023